Phil Stone & Sons Tree Removal provides professional and experienced tree trimming and pruning services to Sanford, NC, and surrounding areas. We understand the importance of properly trimming and pruning trees to ensure their healthy growth and appearance. Our team of skilled professionals has the expertise to determine the correct type of pruning that is required for your trees to thrive.
Regular tree trimming and pruning can help eliminate dead or diseased branches that can risk your property and the safety of those around you. Furthermore, it can help improve the overall shape and appearance of your trees, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your property.
Our team uses the latest equipment and techniques to ensure trees are trimmed and pruned safely and effectively. We can also recommend a regular pruning schedule to ensure your trees remain healthy and beautiful for years. Trust our team to provide the highest quality tree trimming and pruning services.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment for professional tree trimming and pruning services. Call us at 919-776-4678 to get started.
Service Areas
(Select Your Area Below)
Phone: 919-776-4678 | 919-499-3942 | 919-499-3883
Address: 340 Branch Rd., Sanford, NC 27330
Business Hours
Mon-Fri: 8am – 5pm Sat & Sun: Available for Emergency Calls
Licensed & Insured